Going to College
I figure there's only two or three people who actually read this, so I'm under the impression that everyone reading this knows I'm headed to UC Irvine in two weeks. But, In case you've stumbled upon this blog and don't personally know me, you now know I'm headed to UCI.
I've decided that I won't stop this blog just because I'm going to a real college now. I'm sure that there are a nice deal of stupid people at Irvine. Maybe not as many as Pierce, but there are stupid people everywhere.
Of course I'll have to change the title and all the small details, but the main premise will be the same. I'm just going to make fun of stupid people and write about random stuff I overhear. As an added bonus, at least for me, I'll be able to participate and write about the drunken debauchery I am a part of because I live at college instead of commuting. Hooray.
On another note I just ran spell check on this and something funny happened. I find it ironic that the blog website's spellchecker does not recognize 'blog' as a word.
I've decided that I won't stop this blog just because I'm going to a real college now. I'm sure that there are a nice deal of stupid people at Irvine. Maybe not as many as Pierce, but there are stupid people everywhere.
Of course I'll have to change the title and all the small details, but the main premise will be the same. I'm just going to make fun of stupid people and write about random stuff I overhear. As an added bonus, at least for me, I'll be able to participate and write about the drunken debauchery I am a part of because I live at college instead of commuting. Hooray.
On another note I just ran spell check on this and something funny happened. I find it ironic that the blog website's spellchecker does not recognize 'blog' as a word.