What I Learned Today
Today was my first day in my official English class. Due to circumstances outside my control I could not stay in the class with the gay teacher, the Farsi interpreter and the ASL lady.
Really I wanted to be in the class where the teacher told us that he can't wait to watch his 'babies' grow up. That's not scary. Not one bit.
My new class started with the teacher telling us, "You are all in this class because you read and write somewhere between the 8th and 10th grade level. What does that tell me?"
Apparently, "I should of tried harder in high school," is the wrong answer.
Later my teacher was trying to explain how we use pictures and words to tell a story, so he holds up a picture of Muhammad Ali from Apple's Think Different ad campaign from a few years ago.
"And what does this show," He asked the class.
"That Apple is trivializing Ali's social accomplishments to sell a few computers," Again, the wrong answer.
Twelve years of high school, and I still don't know when to shut up.
Really I wanted to be in the class where the teacher told us that he can't wait to watch his 'babies' grow up. That's not scary. Not one bit.
My new class started with the teacher telling us, "You are all in this class because you read and write somewhere between the 8th and 10th grade level. What does that tell me?"
Apparently, "I should of tried harder in high school," is the wrong answer.
Later my teacher was trying to explain how we use pictures and words to tell a story, so he holds up a picture of Muhammad Ali from Apple's Think Different ad campaign from a few years ago.
"And what does this show," He asked the class.
"That Apple is trivializing Ali's social accomplishments to sell a few computers," Again, the wrong answer.
Twelve years of high school, and I still don't know when to shut up.
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