Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Real College

My friend goes to real college. I'd like to consider transfering there. I have not heard one good reason against transfering there yet.

Here is a edited version of our AIM converstion from earlier today.

MK*******: so i had a journalism 101 test
Mk*******: i got 52 out of 50
Person5879: the sarcasm meter blew up
Mk*******: one of our questions was: What does CNN stand for? a) Cable News Network b) Chicken Noodle News c) Cable News Broadcast d) none of the above
Me: wow
Me: i mean wow
Me: you have yet to give me one reason not to transfer
Mk*******: lol
Mk*******: i'm taking algebra again, how is that fair?
Mk*******: and its the hardest math i have to take
Person5879: like I said, if I dont get into *** or any of the other 2 or 3 schools I apply to I'm going to (Unidentified school's name)
Mk*******: i will say this, its just so far from you family, you wouldnt be able to see them except long breaks
Me: again
Me: you have yet to give me a reason not to transfer

But things take a turn for the worse here-

Me: all you gotta do before I commit to Ole Miss is find me one Jew
Me: preferibly a woman
Me: and prefiberly semi-hot
Me: but I just wantto know I'm not the only one there
Mk*******: your not coming here then

The rebound!-

Me: are there a bunch of (purple) people at (school)?
MkSprlk16: i've seen a handful
MkSprlk16: more asians than i was expecting
MkSprlk16: but only one hot ones
MkSprlk16: you couldnt satisfy your yellow fever



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