Friday, September 16, 2005

It Never Ceases to Amaze Me

You really haven't lived until you've been in a economics class that's half Iranian and half Persian. Espically when the teacher uses the Pet Rock as an example for supply and demant.

To a person born in America the pet rock was a stupid gimmick that was polular 30 years ago. Try explaining that to someone who's grown up in the Middle East.

"What is this pet rock you speak of?"

"Well back in the 1970's people would spend money on a rock with eyes and buy a house to put it in."

"Wait, you paid American money for this???"

"Ya, what were we thinking?"

"In my country I would spend eight hours in line to buy bread. The only thing we used rocks for were to throw at Israeli tanks?"

"Ya those pet rocks were somthing..."

I really love going to a school where in the middle of class my professor goes, "Oh by the way I should of told you girls this last week, but if you're gonna go to the bathroom during class take someone with you. We've had a lot of rapes on campus last year."

Well, I don't see how I can top that last one.


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