Tuesday, September 20, 2005

High Comedy

About a hout into my political science lecture today one of my classmates raised her hand to comment on our topic. here is here exact quote, written down by me right after she said it:

"We watched a video in my English class that proved that the government was behind the September 9/11 attack"


I can't make this stuff up.

My teacher, who's a pretty unbiased and fair guy, just kinda sat there for a minute. He asked her what her source was.

She said she didn't know but in the movie it showed that there was either a bomb strapped to the nose of the planes that crashed into the WTC and she knows this because she watched the video in slow motion. Either that or there was a fighter plane flying right under the 747 and it crashed into the building too.

My teacher started talking about reviosionist history, but by that point me and my friend were laughing too hard to pay attention.

She also believed that the whole Pentagon 9/11 was a conspiricy too and she bases this on the fact that the plane wreckage shown on TV wasn't big enough to match the plane. She's obviously not a chemistry or science major because well, besides the whole not forgetting to use the scientific methond thingy, she didn't think about the fact that its not just the airplane that does the damage, but THE HUNDEREDS OF GALLONS OF HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE JET FUEL.

Really, I can't make this stuff up if I tried.

On a good note I met a really hot Russian chick in that class.


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